La luz del motor está encendida
10 agosto, 2017
AGA Auto Repair
How to maintain a new car
13 septiembre, 2017

The check engine light is on

When the check engine light is on, it is not possible to notice any difference in the way the car runs but you need to know what the check engine light means.

Since the late 80s, most of the engine functions are being controlled through  a computer. This includes emissions control, fuel measurement and delivery, speed and transmission control and many other elements that contribute to the vehicle’s drive and performance.

Voltage readings from any of these sensors are assumed  to fall within a certain range.

We advise you to bring your vehicle to our shop to scan the engine as soon as possible if you notice one or more of the following issues:

  • Rough handling
  • Rough switching of gears
  • Smoke
  • Other issues that are not part of the normal functioning of the vehicle

Please do not postpone bringing your car to us when you notice something unusual with it! The good news is that the entire vehicle’s diagnostic system has made it easier for technicians to identify and track any problem with the car and fix it.


AGA Auto Repair, Visit Us: 1677 W Evans Ave, Denver, CO 80223 or Call Us (720) 698 8296

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